MTCSV Weekly Update May 27, 2020

Parish Events

Date Event
TBD Parish Day & One Day Income drive
TBDOne Day Retreat
July 29- Aug 1VBS

Worship Service

Per the decision from the Executive Committee meeting dated 30th March 2020, we will continue to have online service till April 26th or as long as the shelter in place is enforced. 

May 31 Sunday@10:00AM: Online service in English. Adult study at 9:00AM


Meeting ID: 408 648 2360
Password: 335199

One tap mobile

+16699009128,,4086482360# US (San Jose)

The recording from past sermons are available in YouTube

Payment options available for donations

Donations to church can be done in multiple ways

1)Regular check, payable to MTCSV or Mar Thoma Church of Silicon Valley and mail it to

Parsonage Address
158 Teralba Ct
San Jose, CA 95139


Trustee Address
Abraham Panicker
1340 Bulb Ave
Santa Cruz, CA 95062

2) Zelle payment

You can use your bank or Zelle App and make a payment to [email protected] . We will receive the payment immediately.
You can write memo the cause of the payment. 


Sunday School leadership has decided to postpone VBS 2020 to July 29(tentative).  A final decision will be made in early June depending on what guidelines are made available.

Sunday School Newsletter

MTCSV Sunday School Newsletter

Youth Fellowship meeting

A meeting of the Youth Fellowship will be conducted on May 31st after service @11:20AM. Zoom invitation will be sent out to members. 

Tele-prayer Every Tuesday @ 8PM

As a faith community, it is our calling to encourage, comfort and pray for each other for our spiritual and mental strength during this time of fear and uncertainty from Coronavirus.   

As such, we have decided to hold a tele-prayer under the leadership of Our Achen and Yuvajana Sakhyam on every Tuesday 8-8.30pm as long as the situation continues. We invite everyone to join the prayer and find hope and strength. Below is the details of the Zoom log in for the prayer.   

Topic: Prayer
Time: Tuesdays@ 08:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting 

Meeting ID: 408 648 2360
Password: 335199
One tap mobile 

+16699009128,,4086482360# US (San Jose)

MTVEA Tele-Bible Study

Western Regional Mar Thoma Voluntary Evangelists’ Association Teleconference Bible study : May 27@8:00PM PDT

 Call-in number: (515)603-3108 &  The access code number is: 638599#

Program details:- (Bible study)May-27-2020, Mrs.Anitha Santhosh (Member of Seattle.MTC. will lead the Bible study @ 08:00pm L.A. Time.

Upcoming Organization Meetings

Date Event
05/31/20Youth Fellowship meeting@11:20AM. Zoom invite
will be sent

Happy Birthday!

Day Name
27 Sneha Thomas
28 Mia Abraham
28 Lizy Thomas
29 Thomas Kuruvilla
29 Annie Zachariah
30 Suresh Mohan
31 Thomas Ponnuran
31 Merlin Mammen
31 Saaya Kurian

Happy Anniversary!

Day Family
27 Benjamin Thomas and Binu Thomas
27 Jobin Abraham and Beena Jobin
31 Kezhakekuttiyil Thomas and Silba George

Volunteer signup sheet for 2020

Use the google docs for Volunteer signup sheet for 2020
Google Docs : Volunteer signup sheet

Amazon Smile Program

Similar to Benevity, Amazon supports local and national charity organizations when their customers shop with them. We have signed up for Amazon smile, which will give a small percentage to our church when someone uses Amazon smile to make any purchases. We request you to sign up for smile program through


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