MTCSV Weekly Update January 23
We will have English Holy Communion service this Sunday, January 26 at 10:00AM starting with praise.
Sunday School will at 8:45AM and Bible Study at 9:00AM.
Worship Services
January 26, 10:00AM | English Holy Communion Service |
February 02, 10:00AM | English Holy Communion Service |
February 09, 10:00AM | English Holy Communion Service |
February 16, 10:00AM | Malayalam Holy Communion Service |

January 24, 6:30PM | Yuvajana Sakhyam Fellowship | Praveen Mathews and Tintu Thomas |
February 01, 6:00PM | North East Area Prayer | Jacob Thomas and Susan Abraham |
February 08, 9:30AM | Fasting Prayer, led by Edavaka Mission | Sanctuary |
February 18, 6:00PM | South East Area Prayer | Linesh John & Sherin Samuel |
Yuvajana Sakhyam Fellowship

Blood Drive
We will have Blood Drive on March 02, Sunday at the Parking Lot.. We are partnering with Stanford Blood Center for this drive. Please sign up here as early as possible.
WRMTVEA Conference
Western Region Mar Thoma Voluntary Evangelical Association Conference will be hosted by Mar Thoma Church of Greater Seattle on Feb 15th and 16th in Seattle. The theme for this year is “Mission as Commoning: Relevant Mission Expressions in Local Context”. Guest Speaker is Rev. Thomas B, Vicar of the Los Angeles Mar Thoma Church. To register, please click here.
2025 Volunteer sheet
The volunteer sheet for year 2o25 is here. Please sign up if you would like to host Prayer, sponsor after service refreshment or join any Parish team.
Payment Options Available for Donations
Donations to church can be done in multiple ways
1. Zelle payment
You can use your bank or Zelle App and make a payment to . We will receive the payment immediately.
You can write memo the cause of the payment.
2. Regular check, payable to MTCSV or Mar Thoma Church of Silicon Valley
and mail it to
Parsonage Address
158 Teralba Ct
San Jose, CA 95139
Trustee Address
Vijay Rajan
2597 Leigh Ave
San Jose, CA 95124.
Happy Birthday!!!
27 | Nimisha Mathews |
27 | Isaac Ninan |
Happy Anniversary!!!
25 | Satish David Abraham and Anu David |
26 | Raji Abraham and Ann Thomas |
27 | Jithin Mathews George and Saumya George |